Arne Almerfors, Chairman
Born 1945. Chairman of the board since 2015.

Deputy CEO for FLIR Systems Inc. Chairman of the board of Skillingaryd Invest AB, Thor Ahlgren AB, Housing Cooperative Västra Hamnplan and Almerfors Consulting AB. Master of Political Sciences from Stockholm University (1970).

Holdings in Hexicon: 9,574,514 shares. Independent of the Company, the senior management as well as the major shareholders as of today.

Peter M. Anker
Born 1957. Board member since 2020.

Served as CEO of RS Platou AS (1987-2015). Other ongoing assignments are Chairman of the board in Langebru AS and advisor (former CEO) to Clarksons Platou AS. Previously a member of the Board of Directors of Clarksons Plc. M.Sc. from Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration (1982).

Holdings in Hexicon: 3,060,500 shares through Langebru AS. Independent of the Company, the senior management as well as the major shareholders as of today.

Mia Batljan
Born 1992. Board member since 2021.

Previously working with equity sales at Nordea Markets, as Financial analyst at Samhällsbyggnadsbolaget i Norden AB and management consultancy at Deloitte. Other ongoing assignment is Board member of Ilja Batljan Invest AB. Master’s in finance from the University of Monaco (2017), and degrees in Information Technology and Business administration from Stockholm University.

Holdings in Hexicon: 0 Independent of the Company, the senior management as well as the major shareholders as of today.

Bjarne Borg
Born 1966. Board member since 2021.

Executive Chairman of the board of directors and CEO of Index Investment Group USA. Other ongoing assignments are Director of Index Invest International AB, and Managing Partner of Gulfstream Investment Group LCC, USA. Certified Accounting Consultant through Srf konsulterna (1994). Bachelor’s in marketing and economics from Stockholms Marknadsinstitut.

Holdings in Hexicon: 9,200,000 shares through Index Investment Equity Sweden AB and 32,698,852 through Gulfstream Investment Group LCC. Independent of the Company and the senior management but not to the major shareholders as of today.

Vivianne Holm
Born 1965. Board member since 2020.

Investor focusing on clean tech with extensive experience in the financial sector. Other ongoing assignments are Board member of Advanced Soltech AB, Meva Energy AB, Volta Greentech AB. M.Sc. in Financing and Business Administration from the Stockholm School of Economics (1989). 

Holdings in Hexicon: 1,694,915 shares. Independent of the Company, the senior management as well as the major shareholders as of today.

Mats Jansson
Born 1945. Board member since 2013.

Extensive experience in corporate governance after holding the position as CEO of several companies. Other ongoing assignment is board member of Concordia Maritime AB since 2007. Bachelor’s in political sciences from Uppsala University (1970).

Holdings in Hexicon: 943,973 shares through his wholly owned company Girestad Rederiaktiebolag. Independent of the Company, the senior management as well as the major shareholders as of today.

Björn Segerblom
Born 1940. Board member since 2017.

Previously Head of Chematur of the Bofors Group, several leading positions in The Nitro Nobel Group, Nordstjärnan AB, Asia Pacific in SGS, and engaged for Europe in Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation. Other ongoing assignments are Chairman of the International Business Advisory Board for the INL Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory, chairman of the Advisory Board of Obducat AB, board member of CoensHexicon and honorary chairman and chairman of Hong Kong Chamber of Commerce in Sweden (HKCCSE). Chairman of the Royal Sweden Hong Kong Business Council. Master’s in engineering from Chalmers University of Technology (1966).

Holdings in Hexicon: 9,889,191 shares. Independent of the Company, the senior management as well as the major shareholders as of today.